A Letter To Bookstores, Schools & Churches, Etc.

Lee Johndrow
Lee Johndrow

When I wrote The Interrupted Process, I had no idea where it was headed.

But now I know. It has crossed denominations, borders and cultures.

To the bookstores-if you are interested in selling my book you can purchase from my publisher or you can receive signed copies from me. (Depending on where you are, I will head to your bookstore and sign for you!)

To Schools-Again, the publisher Xulon Press can deliver to you in quantity. If you have questions, please fill out the contact form below.

To Churches-please let me know your questions. (I am available to speak as well.) I am more than willing to discuss this.

Radio Stations, TV and News Media-please visit my section for interviews and more.

I am happy about this book. It did what I was unsure could be done. In a day where life is fast paced and often seems meaningless, I a thankful for the small portion of goodness I can place in one’s life.

Thank you!
